When Are Fall Rosters released???

Jun 30, 2010
When do schools post their fall rosters???Is there ANY site available for tentative 2010-11 rosters?Most schools know who's returning,but with such movement in JUCO's it's sorta hard to figure out who's leaving and who's remaining on the roster.Not to mention incoming freshmen,transfers etc.Can we assume 2009 sophmores are gone for 2010-2011? Can we assume players who enrolled for the summer will make the roster???Is there a timetable when the "official" roster will be available to JohnQPublic?? I see a couple JUCO's (antelopeValley) have 2010 roster listed BUT no players posted....Will the season start before we even know who's actually playing at any particular school?? Who's got the 411????Share it.
This would probably be impossible for most California JC's to post until probably right before week one, as some schools will have players walk in in mid August and others will quit on their own between now and then.
They generally do eligibility around the second week of August and they do not hand out jersey numbers until a week or two before the season starts.
Can I assume players on the '09 roster,particularly those listed as SOPHS ,---will not be on the 2010-2011 roster,because of transfer,graduation etc.?Hence, I can compute how many players a school would be losing...
Yes, If a player is listed as a Soph, then he has used his JC elgibility (unless he somehow gets a medical redshirt)

What's the rule for Cali JUCO's allowing out of state players on the active roster?I know Mississippi has that 8 man out of state rule stuff...I know Fullerton will take 'em all...but they may not play....Is there a rule etched in stone saying you can only have so many out of state players on your active roster at Cali JUCO'S?If you know what schools abide by that rule that out of state players should steer clear from?

Originally posted by Gridiron-Robinson:
What's the rule for Cali JUCO's allowing out of state players on the active roster?I know Mississippi has that 8 man out of state rule stuff...I know Fullerton will take 'em all...but they may not play....Is there a rule etched in stone saying you can only have so many out of state players on your active roster at Cali JUCO'S?If you know what schools abide by that rule that out of state players should steer clear from?
There is no state rule. Individual schools may have their own set of rules, but I am not aware of any.
Without athletic scholarships, Cali JC's will welcome as many out of state players as possible. The elite schools (Mt.Sac, ELCO, BC, etc.) may be a little more seletive on who they allow on the team, in state or out of state.